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Senior Allergies: Understanding Common Allergic Triggers

Aged Care Assistant service NSW
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    March 29, 2024
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Senior Allergies: Understanding Common Allergic Triggers

As seniors age, their immune systems may become more sensitive, rendering them susceptible to various allergies. Recognising and addressing these allergic triggers is crucial for maintaining the health and well-being of our elderly loved ones.

In-home Aged Care NSW

Seasonal Allergies:

Seasonal allergies can significantly impact seniors, with triggers like pollen, grass, and mould causing discomfort. To mitigate these effects, consider keeping windows closed during high pollen seasons and utilising air purifiers to maintain clean indoor air quality.

Indoor Allergens:

Indoor environments harbour allergens such as dust mites, pet dander, and mould, which can exacerbate allergies in seniors. Implementing regular cleaning routines, ensuring proper ventilation, and using hypoallergenic bedding can contribute to a reduction in these triggers.

Food Allergies:

As seniors age, they may develop or experience an intensification of food allergies. Address common food allergens and stress the importance of a well-informed dietary plan. In-home caregivers should be aware of any specific dietary restrictions to ensure the senior’s nutritional needs are met safely.

Medication Allergies:

Seniors may develop allergies to medications over time, emphasising the need for careful monitoring. Encourage open communication between seniors, caregivers, and healthcare professionals to identify and manage medication-related allergies effectively.

Fragrance Sensitivities:

Strong scents from household products, perfumes, and air fresheners can trigger allergies in seniors. Recommend the use of fragrance-free or hypoallergenic alternatives to create a safer and more comfortable living environment.

Insect Allergies:

Seniors may develop allergies to insect bites or stings, necessitating preventive measures. Advise the use of screens on windows and doors to keep insects out and provide guidance on recognising and treating allergic reactions to insect encounters.

Environmental Changes:

Climate variations and environmental factors can contribute to allergic reactions in seniors. Stay attuned to these changes and consider adaptive measures, such as adjusting living spaces to accommodate temperature fluctuations and minimise exposure to environmental triggers.


Understanding and addressing common allergic triggers for seniors is pivotal in ensuring their well-being, especially in the context of in-home aged care in NSW. By implementing proactive measures and creating a supportive environment, caregivers can contribute to a healthier and more comfortable life for the seniors under their care.